Monday, May 23, 2011

A question as old as time...

...aisle or window?
Would I prefer to lay my head on the rigid plastic curvature of the airplane wall while denying myself liquids in vain attempt to avoid the loo? Or would I rather try to extend my cramped gams into the aisle, only the have them mangled by a runaway snack cart? Ooor should I be a rebel and risk the intimate middle seat? JUST KIDDING. 
10 hours in an airplaine YIKEZ.
Thats a long time, but for a six foot senorita like me, sitting in those airplane seats is akin to camping out in a microwave from now till Christmas.
So I have devised a foolproof plan complete with, but not limited to:
  • drugz (melatonin)
  •  a costume change (into my favority comfy, oversized knit, soft leggings, and wool socks)
  • a magical tablet for entertainment when the drugz fail me (ipad)
  • and a comprehensive checklist that includes “CONFIRM PRESENCE OF PASSPORT” no less than five times. i have also tattooed that on my forearm. 
Curious about what fabulous garb I’ve planned to travel in pre costume change? Well you’re in luck, you lucky ducks, because not only am I going to tell you, I’m going to show you!

Equal parts chic and comfortable, this olive wrap dress is one of my favorite new summer pieces. 
Those perfectly worn-in white loafers? My Mama’s Pradas from the 90s. (shout out to mamacita! -good call keeping the pradas but trashing that acid wash denim jacket and pant monstrocity combo....)
And those BIG. FAT. CRYSTAL. ROCKS weighing down my neck? Only my favorite statement necklace ever – snaps for Jenna Lyons, creative director at J.Crew and one of my favorite style icons of all time, for creating such a beautiful piece.
dress, J.CREW / shoes, PRADA / necklace, J.CREW / sunnies, GAP
photo credit, mamacita
This is my last stateside post, so stay tuned for my next one written from across the pond when the real fun begins! ciao!!

1 comment:

  1. miss you already !! mamacita
    your welcome for the pradas...and you failed to mention that is also my prada bag you are "borrowing". :)
